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EWP Workshops and Seminars

Launching 2030 Alexandria Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM) Strategic Plan, 15 December 2016, Alexandria, Egypt

Workshop on Building Climate Resilience in The Nile Delta Urban Water Management for Effective solutions, 16 – 17 June 2013, Cairo, Egypt.

National dialogue on “The River Nile between Challenges and Opportunities” in cooperation with Arab Healthy Water Association (AHWA), 28 May 2011, Cairo, Egypt.

Aquifer Storage and Recharge (ASR) Application in Egypt: A bright future for IWRM / or in coastal 8aquifer management, 4 September 2010

Future of Water in Egypt Workshop, 17-18 May 2010, Cairo, Egypt

Arab Healthy Water Association (AHWA) annual conference, Four Seasons Hotel, Cairo, Egypt, 21 April 2009.

2nd Arab Region Coordination Meeting for Preparation of 14the 5th World Water Forum, Porto Marina, Alamain, June (20 – 21) 2008.

International Preparation for the Fifth World Water Forum at the World Water Week 2008, Stockholm, 18-20 September 2008.

World Water Day Celebration, 22 March 2008.

“Activating the role of civil society in the maintenance & operation of groundwater wells”, Alexandria, 30th August 2007 – 1st September 2007.

Workshop on Aquifer Storage and Recharge Applications in Egypt, A Useful Application in Integrated Water Resources Management, Cairo, 4 September 2007

The Second international Conference on Healthy Water in the Arab World, on ”Healthy Water in the Arab World”, with the slogan “Healthy Water is the Right of All”, Cairo, 25-26 June 2007.13

“Empowers’ National Policy”, 22 – 23 January 2007, Cairo, Egypt.

Organizing a workshop on “Opportunities for Agriculture, Agro industries & Services Investments in Toshka10-11 June 2006, Cairo, Egypt.

Organizing Workshop on “Best practices in the field of low cost sanitation for  poverty prevention”, 2 -3 April 2006, Egypt

Participation in the 4th World Water Forum (allocated day for the Far East – Local Actions for pollution abatement and low cost sanitation services and public awareness)

Assessment of “Ground Water Resources and water Sheds in Arid Region”, 11-12 December 2005

Workshop on “Concepts and Needs of Healthy Water in the Arab Region”, 6 December, 200512

Preparation of Module for Training of Trainers on “Integrated Water Resources Management” in Arabic ,2005

Symposium on “Society Contribution in Integrated Water Resources Management” , 13-17 November 2005

“Water Rights and Equity” Workshop, 26 September, 2005, Cairo, Egypt

International Training Course on “Local Water Management”. The course was organized by CEDARE in collaboration with Cap-Net/UNDP, EWP, NBCBN, NRI, Cairo, Egypt 3-8 May 2005.

Preparation of Module for Training of Trainers on “ Practical Methods for Local Water Management”, 2005

The launching event of the “Egyptian Water Partnership Water Awareness Campaign for Children”, Cairo, Egypt, 22 March 2005

Under the auspices of Her Excellency Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak First Lady of Egypt11

Training Workshop on “Integrated Water Resources Management”, hosted by CEDARE in collaboration with Egyptian Water Partnership, Cairo, Egypt 16-17 March 2005.

First International Conference on GEO- Resources in the Middle East and North Africa, Cairo, 28th of February- 1st of March 2005.

Workshop on “Irrigation Improvement for the West Delta Groundwater Fed Area” under the auspices of the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, in collaboration with Egyptian Water Partnership and World Bank, Giza, Egypt, 13 October 2004.

Workshop on “Water Rights and Equity”, Cairo, Egypt, 18 September 20049

Workshops and local actions in 19 Governorates of Egypt in parallel, 22 March 2004

Workshop on “Water Resources Protection from Pollution”, in collaboration with Egyptian Water Partnership, Moubark Industrial City, 22 February 2004

Workshop on “Water Demand Management and Pollution Control”, in collaboration with Egyptian Water Partnership, 14 – 17 December 2003, Sharm El Sheik, Egypt

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