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  1. Network On Governance, Science and Technology for Sustainable Water Resource Management in the Mediterranean – The role of DSS tools, NOSTRUM-DSS, 2004

The project aimed to establish a network in the Mediterranean that includes scientific institutions, governments, NGOs, Small and Medium Business Enterprises, and regional and international organizations, to exchange expertise, information, knowledge, latest technologies, lessons learned and success stories in the field of water resources management, with an emphasis on decision support tools in rational policy making in IWRM.

Disseminating Knowledge on the applications and methodologies of IWRM, and promote the development of decision support systems to create rational water resources plans that serve the achievement of development goals in the Mediterranean

Reports included:

  • Industrial use of water in the Mediterranean countries
  • Agriculture use of water in the Mediterranean countries
  • Urban and tourist uses of water in the Mediterranean countries
  • Effect of water uses on Environment in the Mediterranean countries
  • Different uses of water in the Mediterranean countries
  1. Evaluation of Water Conflicts and Conflict Management Mechanisms in the Middle East and North Africa Region in collaboration with World Bank, 2005

In light of the scarcity of water resources especially in the Middle East, in many cases, conflicts arise over these resources on the local level among users or on the national level among the different sectors, such as industry, agriculture, drinking water, tourism, etc. Thus, CEDARE, in cooperation with the World Bank prepared a study on the conflicts management mechanisms in some Middle Eastern countries.

The project applied the following services:

  • Assess and analyze the causes of conflicts on the water resources and the relevant economic and social dimensions.
  • Assess current conflicts resolution mechanisms on the local level and prepare the future views of their development.
  • Analytical comparison between the various mechanisms employed in this study.
  • Disseminating success stories in the field of conflicts resolution.

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