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promote sustainable management of water resources at national and local levels, through effective implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) with the aim of maximizing the benefit from water; economically and socially without compromising the sustainability of water and its quality.

The Egyptian Water Partnership tries to achieve the following objectives:

  1.  Identify critical water issues of local, and national importance.
  2. Serve as the neutral platform to bring together large number of different perspectives on national water resources plans, policies, legislations, and water projects.
  3. Provide a common vision on IWRM and promote the implementation of IWRM strategies
  4. Disseminate information and facilitate experience sharing among users, policy makers, and planners.
  5. Participate in global and regional water programmes and initiatives, and establish links with regional and international organizations.
  6. Raise awareness on water resources issues, and build capacities of various stakeholders
  7.  Serve as a public hearing instrument to solicit public opinion on water related projects at the local and national levels

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