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Local Actions

Local Action on Pollution Abatement and Prevention

In cooperation with the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, four locations were selecteimage244d to clean the sides of the water canals from solid wastes and placing awareness signs carrying the message of protecting water canals and drains from pollution. That effort was achieved through a cooperation protocol between EWP, Monofia Governorate, Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs and Ministry of Youth.

The EWP has purchased and installed twenty garbage bins in the selected four locations on the sides of the water canals and agricultural drains to collect solid wastes.  EWP also purchased plastic bags to be changed on daily basis.  The ministry of youth agreed image230to allocate four young participants to supervise the role of the collection process, and increase the families’ awareness in the area, so as to ensure sustainability of the action.

The Monofia governorate agreed to continue regular solid waste collection at the selected locations through its executive sectors and to guarantee the sustainability of the activity.  The Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs continuously supervises the execution and ensures that families are abide to the environmental law no. 4 year 1994 and other laws that concerns environmental protection from image235different wastes.

Local Action on Low Cost Sanitation services for the poor, Noweira village, BeniSuef, 2006-2008.

EWP cares about operating significant local actions in the field of water sanitation services. In response to the proposal forwarded from the Community Development Association of Noweira village EWP participated in a joint effort for providing sanitation at low cost to serve 40 families in the village, as this system drain in plant gravel channel. The project idea is to establish a pipe network for sanitation to be connected to the collected septic tank and rejection unit connected to a plant gravel channel where it ends to  “Gohar” drain. This system includes a septic tank consist of three chambers, chamber for anaerobic treatment and two filters.  And a pipe network was established for sanitation to be connected to the collected septic tank and rejection unit connected to a plant gravel channel where it ends to “Gohar” drain.


Improvement of irrigation in West Delta

Phase I: Landowners and investors survey

It summarized the results of a landowners and investor survey which showed their willingness to support and bear the costs of a proposed project to deliver Nile surface water for irrigation to the West Delta Area. In achieving such objective the following steps were followed:

  • Surveying the investors in the West Delta from Km 45 to Km 90 east and west Cairo – Alex desert road and being more familiar with them.
  • Preparing a sample list of investors that includes all geographical sectors and has detailed information on farms and their owners
  • Preparing a questionnaire that includes investor and farm owner name, farm location, applied farm irrigation system, farm productivity, etc.
  • Testing the questionnaire
  • Providing training courses for data collector staff.
  • Collecting and analyzing the questionnaire.
  • Presenting questionnaire results.

Phase II: Develop a Phased Implementation Plan and Conceptual Project Design Assessment

It included an assessment that was commissioned by the World Bank through a small grant from Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF) to present a conceptual framework and transaction model for implementing a surface water irrigation system on a cost recovery basis with private sector participation for an area close to the West Delta of Egypt.  The targeted area is located at 60 kilometers north-west of Cairo on the west side of the Nile River.  Based on the output of Phase I, in addition to an overwhelming support from a conducted stakeholders’ workshop, the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation (MWRI) and the World Bank agreed to proceed to a second phase assessment (Phase II).  The Phase II assessment work focused on:

  • Technical Study: this study utilized the findings of the PPIAF funded studies and benefited from the new studies of this phase. The study was intended to proceed to a more detailed phase of technical feasibility assessment of the option preferred by the stakeholders by balancing the supply and demand of water for irrigation considering the possibility of conjunctive use in the project area. This work can be used to identify alternatives to further reduce costs as well as assess the feasibility of implementing the proposed project in phases and/or modules in order to best match willingness to connect intentions of the growers in the area and the financial limitations of the project.
  • Stakeholder Promotion and Public Information Campaign: The purpose was to finalize the work that started during the PPIAF study to elicit involvement by the growers in the area in the various aspects of project design and planning. During the Phase II assessment, a wider outreach program was implemented including the execution of willingness to connect agreement that needed to demonstrate effective demand for surface water system.
  • Agricultural Marketing and Technical Services: The purpose was to assess the potential changes in the existing production system due to the changes of water supply to the area of the project.  Also, the study assessed the technical and financial assistance required to help small and medium scale farmers in on-farm water management to achieve a competitive production system driven by market forces.
  • In addition, the following parallel study was conducted to complement the phase II assessment:
  • Integrated Project Analyses and participatory decision making: This was an ongoing parallel study that aimed at assessing the economic, social, and environmental impacts of the project on the natural resource systems within the project area and in the interconnected landscapes of the basin following an integrated and a participatory approach (DRAIN FRAME) which helps the stakeholders identify the preferred option and allows them to share all costs and benefits.

It presented the assessment component of the Stakeholder Promotion and Public Information Campaign and discussed the project background, in addition to the objectives, scope of work, conducted activities and deliverables.

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