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Public Awarness

  1.   1 An assessment of awareness materials at the MWRI and Potable Water Authorities was carried out, which included posters, brochures, TV spots, giveaways, etc.
  2. Awareness on EWP started by producing posters of different designs for conserving water. EWP pins were also produced.  These were distributed during the launching event and the workshop.
  3. Extensive media coverage of the launching event and workshop through TV and newspapers was a key stroke for promotion of the EWP.
  4. The website which was announced during the launching and workshop was an effective tool for awareness on the EWP objectives and activities for conserving water.2
  5. A Task Force for an Awareness Campaign on Water Pollution was established, and held its first meeting on 17 November 2003. Based on the recommendations of the Task Force, the movies developed by the MWRI, were extensively broadcasted on TV during the months of Dec. 2003, and Jan. 2004.  A statistics of the broadcast was carried out.
  6. A contest for the design of a poster for the awareness on water pollution, its prevention and abatement, was held. 37 designs were received, and presented to the EWP IG for selection of the winning one.  The winning poster will be printed and distributed for public awareness.
  7. On the occasion of the World Water Day, 22 March, the EWP in cooperation with LIFE Prgramme of the UNDP, and local NGOs held workshops and local actions in 19 Governorates of Egypt in parallel. Each workshop was accompanied 3by an awareness campaign.  Awareness materials developed by the EWP, MWRI, and the Arab Office for Youth and Environment (AOYE) were distributed during the workshops.
  8. Poster contest was organized and the 2 winning posters
    which were on (a) water pollution, its prevention and abatement and (b) water conservation, were printed and distributed for public awareness during EWP events, and during the events EWP was represented at.
  9. EWP organized a national awareness campaign which was carried out in partnership with the 4
    Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation (MWRI), Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs (Green Corner), UNDP, and other private sector entities, 22 March 2006. The campaign targeted the children to increase their awareness and knowledge on the following issues:
  • Egypt’s water resources and relationship with riparian countries
  • Water scarcity and means for water conservation
  • Water pollution and means for water quality 6protection 5Printing of Awareness Kit. 
    • Presentations

    Primary School Presentations on Water for World Water Day, 1996, Egypt, Lebanon.


    • Television

    Design & Broadcasting of Television Contests on General Knowledge on Water, 1996, Egypt.


    • Posters

    Design and Distribution of Posters for the World Water Day, March 22nd,1996. (distributed internationally).


    • Video

    Production of a Video Tape for the Water Awareness Campaign for Children, its contents: Meema Play, Bakar, Water instructions.


    Production of a Video film on Water Crisis in Jordan.posterrrrrrrrrr


    Production of a Video film on Water Harvesting Techniques in the Arab Region, 1996, Jordan & Morocco.


    • Chronicles

    Publishing water resources articles in CEDARE bimonthly Chronicles. (distributed internationally).


    • Egyptian Water Partnership NewsLetters

    Publishing 7 editions of the Egyptian Water Partnership NewsLetters


    • Organizing Water Awareness Campaign for Children on the national level


    • Designing and printing a series of awareness materials for the Water Awareness Campaign for Children;

    The materials have the same main character of the campaign a drop of water called “Meema” which includes:

    • An awareness booklet comprising different messages for water conservation
    • Protection “A Drop of Water Called Meema”
    • Coloring book “Color with Meema”
    • Intellectual games “Play with Meema”
    • A puzzle.


    • Puzzle

    Collect with Meema

    • CD

    Production of a Video CD for the Water Awareness Campaign for Children, its contents: Meema Play, Bakar, Water instructions

  • Walk for the Nile, in cooperation with Hayat international school, in cooperation with the Hayat International Academy, 20 May 2011, Cairo, Egypt.

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