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Egyptian Water Partnership

Owning to the diversified responsibilities and multiple uses of water, the establishment of the Egyptian Water Partnership was vital to promote the role of integrated water resources management in facing the current water issues and the future challenges.

The objective of the establishment of the Egyptian Water Partnership is to introduce Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). The Egyptian Water Partnership promotes and coordinates water management with the aim of maximizing the social, economical and environmental benefits from water uses.

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The Establishment of Egyptian Water Partnership:

The foundation of the partnership was an initiative by a group of most of the concerned sectors comprised of the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Environment, universities, users, and NGOs. The Partnership is currently chaired by H.E. Dr. Mahmoud Abu-Zeid, President of the Arab Water Council and former Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation.

Legal status and Constitution


The documents and forms needed for NGOs’ registration have been submitted to the Ministry of Social Affairs for approval and official establishment 2003.


Final registration; Egyptian Water Partnership as NGO registered by number 6095 in year 2005.

Partnership Goals

To regularly prioritize the water issues and problems at the local and national level based on periodic assessment of the water situation.

Serve as a neutral platform to bring together a large number of different perspectives to provide balanced contributions to discussions on national water resources plans, water sector policies, large projects or water legislations, and to provide a common vision on IWRM and promote the implementation of IWRM strategies.

Spread information and facilitate exchange of expertise and viewpoints on developments in the field of water technology, research findings and latest implementations and practices between users, policy makers, decision makers and civil society.

Cooperation and interaction with international and regional initiatives and programs, and establish closer relations with international and regional organizations.

Serve as a public hearing instrument to solicit public opinion on water related  projects at the local and national levels, and serve as platform for practical action for instance through developing support to promising initiatives in the field of IWRM or lobbying for changes in water management practices.

Priority Areas of Action

The partnership is keen on maintaining up to date priorities for action which vary according to international, regional, national and local challenges of water.  The partners identify the priorities of action of the Egyptian Water Partnership based on the current water issues that face the wide platform of which the platform is comprised.

The founding group has guided the partnership and identified the priority areas of action to be:

  • Confronting water scarcity increased water demand.
  • Water pollution abatement and protection.
  • Water rights and equity.
  • Working towards achieving water Millennium Development Goals (SDGs) in Egypt.

The Partnership will work on achieving the objectives entrusted to them to meet the priorities of action of the current phase through holding workshops to extend the dialogue between stakeholders and through holding training courses to raise the efficiency and expertise in integrated management of water resources in addition to public education programs, and periodicals. The partnership will also organize local activities to fight pollution and work on contributing to and coordinating the delivery of clean water to people with no access.


Everyone related or interested in water issues are partners including farmers, water boards, water users associations, relevant ministries, civil society, NGOs, parliamentarians, politicians, the media, universities, research centers, the private sector, consultants and youth, women and children associations.

Board of Directors

The board of directors is elected from the partners in the general assembly meeting according to the organizational structure set by the legal regulations of the Egyptian Water Partnership. The legal regulations are presented to the partners in detail prior to the elections. The president of the partnership is also elected.


CEDARE, 2 Elhegaz street, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt.

Tel: (202) 2451-3921/2/3   Ext: 663

Fax: (202) 2451-3918


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